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GonzoBanker Blog

A collection of observations, ruminations, predictions and random thoughts from Cornerstone Advisors

5 Multi-Channel Questions Branch Staff Needs to Be Able to Answer

Conversations about customer channel migration, branch sales and growth are gaining momentum. But...

Leave My Interchange Alone!

The Fed’s proposed change to the Durbin Amendment could mean big losses in payment card interchange...

Questions to Ask Before Vendor Contract Negotiations

Successful contract negotiators know when to hold ’em and when to fold ’em. While there is clearly...

How to Successfully Implement a Digital Solution

In today’s financial services environment, not serving customers digitally is not an option. Now...

The New Lending Fintech Bonanza

OnDeck’s fire sale aside, recent deals at nCino, Black Knight and Ellie Mae are a shot in the arm...

Fintech Deals Are Still Happening – And It’s a Good Thing

All the capital flowing into the digital fintech space is helping to solve banking industry...

Five Priorities When Bank Strategy Meets Business Continuity

Bank leaders need to be ready with a SWAT team approach when the next thing no one expected comes...

Managing Commercial Real Estate in a COVID-Ravaged Landscape

Financial institutions struggling with the SBA’s Paycheck Protection Program can expect an even...

Optimizing the Contact Center in the New Normal

Time-tested best practices can help financial institutions stay agile in the face of COVID-19. The...

Keeping Small Business Afloat While Addressing Risk

How financial institutions can make a long-term positive impact on the U.S. small business market...