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GonzoBanker Blog

A collection of observations, ruminations, predictions and random thoughts from Cornerstone Advisors

Trust: Once Again the Most Precious Currency in Banking

“Bank confidence is a fragile reed and a troubled bank is damaged by any rumors, true or not.”...

ICE, Black Knight Selling Empower to Constellation Software: So What?

Mortgage lenders may be losing control of their LOS options

So You Want to Be a Venture Capitalist: Best Practices for Community Banks Investing in Fintech Startups

Fintech startups looking for funding in 2023 are finding that it isn’t as easy as it was a few...

Acquire or Be Acquired 2023: Disruption ‘Comes Home’ to Banking

Key themes emerging from AOBA can help guide industry leaders’ strategic discussions. Scottsdale,...

What SECURE 2.0 Means to Financial Institutions

Emergency savings accounts can lead to opportunities for banks and credit unions to help customers...

That Pesky Intern

The truth stings when it comes to transformation We now join a special GonzoBanker “look behind the...

The Horizontal, Embedded 2023 Technology Plan

“It’s supposed to be automatic, but you have to push a button.” —John Brunner Back in the day, when...

The 2022 GonzoBanker Awards

OK, a show of hands. Who saw 2022 coming and accurately predicted the headlines?

ATM-as-a-Service – A Strategic Step on the Transformation Journey?

Moving from a traditional CAPEX model to an “as-a-service” OPEX model could be the key to...

The Crypto Brat Pack Just Earned Themselves Regulation

Now is the time for bankers to engage lawmakers in how the crypto and digital asset market shapes...