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GonzoBanker Blog

A collection of observations, ruminations, predictions and random thoughts from Cornerstone Advisors

Banking Predictions 2024: Gray Skies Are Going to Clear Up (in 2025)

Having complained in a recent post on LinkedIn that a lot of the predictions I see are nonsense,...

Five Characteristics of the Future Smarter Bank Organization


‘New Year, New Me’ CX Edition

In 2024, Smarter Banks will go on offense and differentiate with the customer experience.

The 2023 GonzoBanker Awards

2023. What a year. Bank leaders must feel like Rocky Balboa after 15 rounds with Apollo Creed. Just...

Fintech Deals to Watch: Fall Festivities

The dog days of summer are over, but no sweater weather for deals yet.

Here’s How to Become More Than the Branch Next Door

In a country with thousands of options, the challenge for a bank to stand out is mighty and...

The Five Wonders of Merger Contract Negotiations

In the operational race against time that defines a merger integration, these best practices will...

Time to Get Back to the Crisis of the ’20s

Two types of banks will emerge as winners from this far-reaching, decade-long crisis: the lucky and...

The Hybrid Workplace is One Huge Work-In-Process for Banks

It’s time for bank leaders to intentionally design a hybrid workplace that recognizes the new...

Why Are Payment Card Issuers Still Asking This Question?

The time has come for some truth on the world of payment card flips.