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Cornerstone Commissioned Research

Enhance your messaging with independent financial services industry analysis


Start industry conversations and drive lead generation with independent financial services industry content. Cornerstone delivers actionable insights on the market. Our independent, unbiased advice guides organizations to forward-looking thought leadership. Examples of commissioned research include…

  • Consumer & Business Surveys and Studies
  • Industry Executive Surveys & Interview-Based Studies
  • Expert Opinion Editorial Pieces and White Papers
  • Brand Awareness/Affinity Research

Commissioned Research


Improving Online Lending Profitability with Embedded Payment Insurance

Embedded loan payment insurance can benefit digital lenders and borrowers alike. This research, commissioned by TruStage, shows online lenders how a revolutionary approach can lead to significant profitability gains, including reduced and redistributed delinquent debt, an expanded borrower base and improved economic growth.


2024 Digital Banking Performance Metrics

As digital banking technology and consumer preferences evolve, more and more consumers are opening accounts at fintechs rather than at traditional banks and credit unions. This research, commissioned by Alkami, provides performance metrics to help financial institutions measure and manage the effectiveness of their digital investments, channels and operations.


New Revenue Opportunities from Embedded Accounting

As small businesses grow, so do their accounting needs. This report from Cornerstone Advisors and Hurdlr explores ways embedded accounting can alleviate pain points for small businesses and deliver new revenue streams for vertical SaaS providers and digital platforms.


Fair and Accessible Credit for Small Businesses: A Guidebook for Financial Institutions

This report presents solutions for small business lenders to deliver fair and accessible credit while profitably managing risk. It highlights challenges lenders face in lending to minority and protected class segments with insights and solutions from industry executives worldwide...


Future Harm From New Credit Card Regulations

This report demonstrates six ways the Credit Card Competition Act will negatively impact credit card issuers, consumers and merchants, as well as those the bill sponsors suggest would benefit, if the proposed legislation is passed and implemented...


Aging and Banking: Unique Needs and Challenges of Aging Individuals and Their Loved Ones

Although seniors are vulnerable to financial fraud, they may be reluctant to seek help with their finances. This research explores tools and techniques seniors and their adult children can use to protect themselves from financial exploitation...


2023 Mobile Deposit Benchmark Report

With customer experience rankings for 20 top retail banks and credit unions, this report identifies competitive best practices for product roadmap updates that can deliver measurable improvement in channel migration, customer satisfaction and end-to-end mobile deposit readiness...


Finding the Lending Diamonds in the Rough

This report examines key strategies to balance efficiency, growth and risk in a down lending environment and beyond. Discover new ways to ultimately streamline the lending process, improve the customer experience and open the door for new lending opportunities...


The Harmful Impacts of Removing Sales Tax from Interchange Calculations

Legislative proposals seeking to exclude state and local sales tax from interchange fee calculations for card payments pose an enormous threat to the global payment system and will result in higher - not lower - costs to all but the largest merchants...


Small Business Banking Technology: Simplifying Deposits and Loans

For community financial institutions exploring growth in the SMB segment, the right technology is critical. This report looks at challenges faced by FIs entering the SMB market and illustrates how automating their deposit and loan processes can…


Reinventing Business Checking: The Key to Growing SMB Relationships

Two-thirds of small and medium-sized businesses are likely to look for new banking relationships in the next 12 months. This research explores SMBs' relationships with their financial institutions and provides strategies to attract these business owners and leaders...


The True Impact of Interchange Regulation: How Government Price Controls Increase Consumer Costs and Reduce Security

Legislation that mandated debit card payment routing and interchange price caps harmed the nation's banking system and consumers. If Durbin 2.0 passes, the negative impacts will be felt not just by consumers and banks but also by merchants...


Capitalizing on Embedded Finance and Fintech Opportunities

Embedded finance and fintech represent huge revenue and growth opportunities for mid-size financial institutions. This report details strategies for the embedded future, new core workarounds, and key components of a fintech enablement platform...


The Rise of Family Digital Wallets

This report illustrates how offering family digital wallets can enable banks and credit unions to expand their customer base and provides financial institutions with a tiered methodology to implement a family digital wallet - wherever they are in their digital journeys...


2023 Digital Banking Performance Metrics

How effective are your digital banking strategies? New research from Cornerstone Advisors presents benchmarks and insights across 11 digital banking areas to illustrate how high-performing community financial institutions are doing digital right....


How Social Issues Impact Americans’ Financial Lives and Relationships

From gun control and climate change to mental health and school curricula, social issues are dominating public discussions. This research explores how these conversations are impacting our financial lives and relationships...


The Impact of Digital P2P Payments on Community-Based Financial Institutions

To stay competitive in the financial ecosystem, community-based FIs must implement a modern payments strategy that includes digital payments...


Small Business, Big Ambitions - How Community Banks Can Embrace the Small Business Market

Community banks' share of the small business lending marketplace is being threatened by digital neodisrupters. Learn ways FIs can survive, thrive and win back Main Street...


Banking and Fintech in 2022: A Recap of Cornerstone Advisors Research

Get highlights from Cornerstone Advisors Research reflecting key issues, challenges, and opportunities faced by bank and credit union executives...


The Chatbot Journey: Making Intelligent Digital Assistants Integral Members of the Team

This report reveals the results of interviews with bank and credit union executives about their conversational AI journeys and presents key elements of successful chatbot deployment...


2022 Mobile Deposit Benchmark Report

A detailed reporting of customer experience rankings for top U.S. retail banks and credit unions, including an analysis of the competitive best practices and gaps in these institutions' mobile deposit readiness...


The Embedded Finance Flywheel

Download this report to learn how financial products can help brands generate millions in revenue and increase customer loyalty...


Leveraging the Cloud to Accelerate Digital Transformation

This report outlines the struggles FIs face relative to cloud technology and explores keys to a successful cloud-based digital transformation strategy...


2022 Digital Banking Performance Metrics

This report provides a framework to help bank and credit union executives better measure and manage their digital investments, channels, and operations...


Selecting an Open Banking Data Aggregation Vendor

A guide to help financial institution and fintech executives make smart choices for their data acquisition, utilization, and analytical solutions...


Creating a Fintech Subscription Engine

New research from Cornerstone Advisors presents insights and solutions to address the revenue recession driven by declining fee income and waning interchange income...


Counterattack: Banks’ Field Guide to Fintech Disruption

Learn why banks should take fintech disruption seriously and how they can counter five specific competitive threats to be better positioned to win...


The Payments Modernization Imperative

As FIs' payments revenue streams are threatened by industry trends that their digital transformation initiatives fail to address, success depends on modernization of their payments infrastructure...


Banking as a Service: Banks' $25 Billion Revenue Opportunity in Fintech Banking

There's a huge revenue opportunity for banks to provide BaaS with the help of third-party technology companies ...

Open Banking and APIs - Cornerstone Research

Open Banking and APIs: Strategies for Mid-Size Financial Institutions

APIs are today’s best tools for creating connectivity and data sharing. This report shows banks and credit unions how to build, manage and deploy ...


The Small Business Digital Account Opening Imperative

To stay relevant, community financial institutions must meet rising customer and member demand for superior ...


The State of the Union in Bank-Fintech Partnerships

Fintech partnerships are falling short of financial institutions’ objectives. Here are some new approaches to reverse the trend.


Cultivating a Digital Lending Ecosystem Strategy

Learn how to boost profitability by embedding lending products into the digital ecosystems your customers already use.


The Definitive Guide to Potentially Misunderstood Fintech Trends & Terms

This mega guide will quickly become your go-to resource for a data-driven view of what’s happening in fintech.


Beyond Overdraft: Helping Consumers Manage Liquidity

This report explores 3,000 U.S. consumers’ use of, experience with and attitudes toward overdraft protection services and with overdraft activity on their checking accounts...

The Human + Digital Challenge in Banking: Consumers Want Both

The Human + Digital Challenge in Banking: Consumers Want Both

Discover why banks must utilize tech that works in harmony with human interactions.

Going Green: The Climate Change Opportunity in Banking

Going Green: The Climate Change Opportunity in Banking

A new study of U.S. consumers demonstrates significant opportunity for banks and credit unions to win business and gain a competitive advantage by ...

Improving the Loyalty of Mortgage Borrowers

Improving the Loyalty of Mortgage Borrowers

Research-backed strategies for building long-term relationships with every customer or member. 


Modular Banking: Delivering Innovation Without Touching the Core

An exploration of how mid-size banks and credit unions can leverage modular banking to compete with larger financial institutions and…


Competing with Google Plex and the Digital Banks: How Community-Based Financial Institutions Can Regain Their Mojo

New research on the changing consumer behaviors and attitudes that threaten community-based FIs.


Migrating to the Cloud: Strategies for Mid-Size Financial Institutions

Only four in 10 mid-size financial institutions have invested in or deployed cloud computing. Learn the benefits of cloud migration…


Don’t Abandon Me: Reducing Friction in Online Account Opening with Digital Identity Verification

Industry trends in account origination, where abandonment occurs, and how to reduce friction with digital identity verification – to help…

2021 Mobile Deposit Benchmark Report-01

2021 Mobile Deposit Benchmark Report

Fifth annual customer experience rankings for 20 top retail banks and credit unions


Americans’ Shadow Financial Lives

Learn how consumer behavior that evades observation affects incumbent financial institutions.


The Lifetime Value of a Student Loan Refinancing Relationship

Learn about the market opportunity for student loan refinancing as well as the appetite for cross-selling to these borrowers.


Credit Modeling and the Need for Speed: The Case for Advanced Technologies

Industry benchmarks and real, actionable guidance for using advanced technologies and data to bring agility and accuracy to your lending.


The Cloud On The Horizon

Learn how your financial institution can overcome cloud challenges and implement an enterprise-wide cybersecurity initiative.


The $370 Billion Small Business Opportunity for Banks

This report identifies the revenue opportunity in small business accounting and payments services.


Improving Financial Services for Women

What can – and should – financial institutions do to improve the delivery of financial services to women?


2020 Mobile Deposit Benchmark Report

Learn about changes in mobile deposit CX from 20 of the largest financial institutions in the United States.


The Roadmap to Personalization in Banking

Personalization has become an accepted strategy but the practice in banking reveals three dilemmas facing financial institutions.


How Top Performers Get Maximum Impact From ECM

How do leading financial institutions deploy enterprise content management (ECM) for optimal business impact and what is the incremental impact…


Making Marketing Strategic

How marketing can improve its strategic contribution in mid-size financial institutions


The Future-Ready Chief Lending Officer

How emerging technologies are shaping lending and shifting management priorities in community markets.


The Impact of the Platform Economy on Financial Services Marketing

Discover the three challenges financial institutions must overcome to achieve platform success.


The Inevitable Journey to the Cloud in Banking

A look at cloud computing adoption in banking, objections to cloud computing, and why a journey to the cloud is…


Point-Of-Sale: The New Battleground for Bank Marketers

Inbound and outbound marketing techniques often fail to engage consumers during the product researching, shopping and buying activities in which…


The Lifetime Value of a Student Loan Relationship

Although the overall lifetime value of a student loan borrower depends on cross-sell success, over a 10-year period, one borrower…


Debunking Cybersecurity Myths

Five key misconceptions bank and credit union CEOs need to overcome to effectively manage, measure and educate employees and board…


Reinventing Consumer Loans

Despite lending market share gains by credit unions, community banks and credit unions aren't winning their fair share of Millennials'…


Reinventing Checking Accounts

Your financial institution's checking account strategies must evolve to survive in the new subscription economy.


The Platformification of Banking

In this white paper commissioned by Avoka, a new business model emerges: the platformification of banking.


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