Cornerstone Advisors Research Report
What’s Going On in Banking 2025
Happy(er) Days Are Here Again
This comprehensive guide, authored by noted fintech expert Ron Shevlin, dovetails off the theme of Cornerstone's 2024 report and provides a smoother-sailing analysis of where the banking industry is headed in 2025.
If it’s a stretch to claim that happy days are here again, then at least we can say that happier days are here. The economy is still fragile, the interest rate environment isn’t out of the woods, and regulations and compliance remain a burden. But optimism among bankers is as high as it’s been in a decade, and this year’s report sails on calmer seas to explore ways financial institutions and their technology providers can plan for the changes and challenges ahead.
Download the report today to learn how 308 “troublemaker” financial institutions are thinking about technology, going after growth, and taking on megabanks, upstart fintechs, and others competing with them for mind and market share.
Fill out the form below to receive your free 2025 report.

Key Findings of the Study
- 80% of surveyed bankers are optimistic about 2025, fueled largely by the economy, industry dynamics, and the regulatory environment.
- Cost of funds top bank execs’ list of concerns for 2025. New member growth is the greatest concern for credit unions.
- Big fintech is viewed as the biggest threat by both banks and credit unions.
- In 2025, 28% of banks and 29% of credit unions plan to implement generative AI tools for the first time.
- 45% of banks and 38% of credit unions offer real-time payments—although roughly 8 in 10 only receive payments.
- Not one of the six core provider satisfaction attributes we asked bank execs about reached a 50% satisfaction level.
Quotes From Study Participants and Readers
"While it’s human to vent our frustrations, financial institutions embrace too much of a ‘woe is me’ attitude towards change. We forget that we are the gatekeepers of modern life. People need us in order to access the financial system—a necessity to get anything done today. Change will come. Rise to the occasion and innovate or get left in the dust."
Evan Mulcahy | AVP of Digital Experience
Advantis Credit Union
"To survive, we have to be fast and nimble. Buckle up and hang on!"
Steve Stone | Chief Executive Officer
1st United Credit Union
"If we didn’t have to be audited, verified six different ways in each area, we might actually make money."
Chief Financial Officer
$1.2 Billion Bank
"Just do it and stop complaining."
Mike Butler | Chief Executive Officer
Grasshopper Bank
Study Results Featured In

Webinar Coming Soon. Explore Key Findings with Cornerstone.
February 19 | 10 AM PT | 1 PM ET
Join Cornerstone Advisors Chief Research Officer Ron Shevlin and CEO and Partner Steve Williams as they present key findings from the 2025 What's Going On In Banking study and explore what 2025 holds in store for community-based financial institutions.
About the Author

Ron Shevlin
Chief Research Officer
As Chief Research Officer at Cornerstone Advisors, Ron Shevlin heads up the firm's research efforts and authors many of its studies. He has been a management consultant for more than 30 years, working with leading financial services, consumer products, retail, and manufacturing firms worldwide.
Before Cornerstone, Shevlin was a researcher and consultant for Aite Group, Forrester Research, and KPMG. Author of the Fintech Snark Tank blog on Forbes, Shevlin is ranked among the top fintech influencers globally and is a frequent keynote speaker at banking and fintech industry events.