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Bank Merger & Acquisitions Services

We assist you in getting the most out of mergers and acquisitions by focusing on achieving the value drivers inherent in the underlying combination.

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Financial Institution M&A Advisory

There are many variables to consider when your organization is looking to merge with or acquire another banking institution. Our broad-based strategy and operations consulting practice will assist your organization in performing the necessary due diligence to ensure that the resulting strategic and operational synergies are in the best long-term interest of your organization.


Bank Merger Strategy

Development of a joint strategy plan, identifying the strategic capabilities of a much larger organization, especially during the early stages of the merger.

Technology Conversion

Leverage broad and deep experience across core and ancillary system implementations to avoid setbacks and pitfalls in a merger technical conversion.


Deepen vendor knowledge to help define the best solutions for a combined organization, including our Contract Vault, to drive vendor contract cost savings.

Integration Data

Provide best practices leveraging data to identify value creation opportunities and subsequently the operational and integration requirements to achieve those opportunities.


Gain access to our expertise on how to best achieve the promise of economies of scale in terms of process redesign, organizational alignment, and automation.


Utilize our change management expertise in communications, organizational design, education/learning, and employee engagement to retain top talent and increase staff performance.


Organizational Structure

From the designation of departments to the realignment of individual duties and titles, organizational restructuring is one of the most important—and potentially contentious—aspects of consolidation.

Cornerstone M&A advisors help answer these vital questions: What will the new corporate hierarchy look like? Which positions will report directly to the CEO, and who will hold those positions? How will divisions and business units align under various departments? What products and services will be offered? Which markets will be targeted for growth, and which may be rationalized out? 


Consolidating the Technology Environment

Soon after a merger is announced, the joint technology integration team can begin its work with a thorough inventory of the application and infrastructure portfolios of both banks. A comparison of core processing systems is often the first order of business.

Working with an expert third party through the processes of system selection and contract negotiations can help provide an objective perspective and an insider’s view of market pricing. An experienced business partner can help technology integration teams and executives set up effective decision-making processes and navigate the novel challenges that may arise in a merger of equals.


Defining a New Culture & Talent Blend

A well-defined and proactively nurtured culture can mean the difference between merger success and a negative atmosphere than can linger and drag down performance for years to come. Without a retention strategy in place, transition teams may quickly find themselves lacking critical knowledge and staffing to the point of causing setbacks in the merger process. Cornerstone Advisors helps manage those potential conflicts with an increased emphasis on change management implementation. 


We ensure you reach the collective goal of being the newest force in the financial marketplace

Speak with Cornerstone's M&A consultants to discuss how to take full advantage of the doubling in scale to optimize the value delivered to shareholders.