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GoWest advocates share data combating interchange legislation

Two key resources in their toolbox are a comprehensive analysis by Cornerstone Advisors documenting the harmful effects of the CCCA’s predecessor legislation, the Durbin Amendment, and GoWest’s high-level infographic showcasing Cornerstone Advisors’ rich data.

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Understand the true impact of interchange regulation

CUNA and the American Association of Credit Union Leagues (AACUL) commissioned Cornerstone Advisors to study the impact of the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act’s Durbin Amendment, which implemented debit card routing mandates and debit interchange price caps.

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CUNA Releases Study on True Impact of Interchange Regulation

Credit Union National Association commissioned Cornerstone Advisors to study the impact of the Durbin Amendment, which implemented debit card routing mandates and debit interchange price caps.

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